Elektryczność gdy zabraknie

Will electricity ever end?

Our existence is currently based on electricity. We take it for granted, for something that is obvious and given. Would it be possible to live without it?

The phenomenon of electricity has been raised by ancient philosophers. Science research began in the seventeenth century. With time, the first generators were created, conductors and insulators were described to develop the concept of electric current. However, it was only the 19th century that brought the world such names as Tesla, Edison, Morse, Siemens or Ohm. They pushed the concept of electricity forward. Without them, today’s world wouldn’t be the same.

Nineteenth-century scientists and inventors believed that electricity will never end. After all, human being is an electric creature, there are smaller or larger flows of electric charges (nervous system, heart) in our bodies. However, the concept of electricity we know today is a human product.

Resources will run out sometime

What seems to be certain for us, however, can end. Currently, we produce energy using coal, oil and gas. Resources that have been driving our world for more than three centuries may soon be exhausted. Forecasts say that the fossil fuel age will end in about 50 years. What will happen then? We overslept the moment of transition to nuclear energy, over 30 years ago, at the time of the first serious oil crisis.

Nature to the rescue?

At the time of total cut-off from the electricity, all our goods would cease to function, from phones, through cars, to factories producing food or water filter pumps. Our civilization would stand on the edge, therefore for a long time now humanity has been developing new methods of obtaining energy. The most important renewable energy sources are currently the gravitational energy of water, wind energy, biomass and biofuels, solar energy and geothermal energy.

elektryczność alternatywne źródło energii

In addition to the known activities of using the power of water, wind and sun, scientists are experimenting with other energy sources.

Sea water

One glass of sea water provides eight hours of light. An innovative lamp was created with a battery filled with water as an electrolyte. Although it is a gadget, the potential of seawater has certainly not been fully discovered yet, and the very fact of acquiring energy from it makes scientists optimistic. The US Navy uses this option to develop a method for obtaining hydrocarbon fuel from salt water.


It can be obtained without environmental impact. Hydrogen is produced, for example, from waste in a recycling process using the steam methane reforming method. This gas will be the basis for the development of industry in the European Union in the future.

As you can see, the exhaustion of natural energy sources in the form of fossil fuels don’t have to end badly for humanity. Certainly, work on other energy sources that will allow us to survive for centuries is progressing.